Love and work are the cornerstones of our humanness. Sigmund Freud

I've worked with thousands of people...young and old; the two basic life balances and sometimes struggles are finding one's right work and creating loving relationships. We'll celebrate love in it's many forms this month. Enjoy!


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Albert Einstein said the most fundamentally important question that you will ever ask yourself is this, "Do I live in a friendly or a hostile universe$%:

If we are to believe that something, some intelligence, created the universe, we have to come to some determination of what characteristics that "something" possess. When we believe that the Universe is fundamentally a friendly place, we then realize that the characteristics of spirit are also friendly.

Since we are made/created by spirit then we too can assume we are infused with the same characteristics of spirit which created us. So, what characteristics does God/spirit/universal intelligence have$%: Love, peace, joy, acceptance, happiness, contentment, intelligence, prosperity, perfect health, abundance, creativity, mastery, affluence, flow, ease, and energy.

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You are a unified field with spirit or that which created you. So, when you experience love, you experience it from the very creative source of the universe. Affirming that love is "in me, through me, around me and as me" attracts more love, peace, joy and acceptance in your life. When you sense/feel love flowing through you, your experience is one of optimism, hope, love, joy and trust. When you have those feelings, love comes to you easily. You experience joy from simple things. You have a sense of wonderment and awe. You bring more of those good experiences into your life.


I invite you to take this month to align yourself with the creative power of the universe. Affirm that you are loving and loveable. That there is an abundance of everything you need. Hold this thought in your mind and remind yourself of this anytime you feel frustrated, agitated, bored or unhappy. As part of this experiment, simply notice :%$amp; record. What changes have you experienced$%: Are people reacting differently to you$%: Do you feel happier or more at peace$%: Do pets or children act differently around you$%: Notice whether conflicts increase, decrease or stay the same$%: Are you easier or harder to live with$%:

Please try this experiment and then email me at with some of your experiences/results. Expect wonderful new things to happen!

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