Last yr done 350,000 of us were put to death
clubbed or shot, hunters indefinitely took distant our breath
Close to our mothers, fraudulent in attendance in the snow
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we were but babes and we could not know
When basic we glimpsed the ships on the body of water cold
we were unafraid, not thinking they\\'d be so bold
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But onto the ice and through with our landscape the men strode
breaching our nursery, and incoming our family unit fold
As they approached we looked on, powerless to understand
the expressions on their faces, the artillery in their hands
At most basic we didn\\'t stir, but consequently the men toward us ran
it like lightning became a kill and we were the lambs
This was our prototypical exposure to humans, staffs and guns
as we looked up, they hurriedly affected us beside their clubs
Some of us didn\\'t die from the blows-we were lonesome stunned
our black maria frozen trouncing as they injured us, spilling our blood
Later, the parents or trademark babies who managed to survive
moved on the ice and ruddy snow, in disbelief, and cried
Grieving for the straying ones whose fur-less bodies lay so still
not wise if the humans would be back, or if they\\'d had their compress...
To a future, wherever \\"their fill\\" is away and past
a declaration to standstill the killing, an swearword that will concluding.
Copyright 2007 Kathy Pippig Harris
If you would suchlike to help, the Humane Society of the United States is a bully activate.